Soal dan Pembahasan UAN Bahasa Inggris 2005/2006

Tahun Pelajaran 2005/2006
Waktu : 120 menit


Listening Section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken engloish. There are 2 parts of this section, with special direction for each part.

Part 1
Question 1-9

In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. The dialogues or question will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.

After you hear a dialogue and the questions about it, read the four possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the questions you have heard.

Now Listen to a sample question


Man       : How about exercising tomorrow morning?
Woman  : Alright. pick me up at six.

Pertanyaan diperdengarkan:

Narrator : What will the man do?

1. a. It's very hot
    b. It's very cold
    c. It's pretty mild
    d. It's just perfect

  • Percakapan dikaset:
          Woman : What's the weather today?
          Man      :  Due to the latest snow some schools are close.

          Narrator  : How is the weather today?

  • Jadi dari pertanyaan diatas snow (salju) identik dengan musim dingin. (very cold), so answer is  b
2. a. Give the woman a lift
    b. lift the box for the woman
    c. Put the box away
    d. Make the woman lift the box

  • Percakapan di kaset
         Woman   : Can you help me to loift the box?
         Man        : Sure, no problem

         Narrator  : What will the man probably do?
  • Jadi yang akan dilakukan oleh si laki-laki adalah mengangkat kota tersebut (Lift the box for the woman).  So, answer is b
3.  a. A chair, a table, a couch
     b. Teapot, plates, cups
     c. Vase, paintings, flowers
     d. Curtains, bed sheets, pillow elses

  • Percakapan dikaset
          Woman   : I've bought a set of furniture.
          Man        : What? Our old furniture is still good

          Narrator : What did the woman probably buy?
  • Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah a chair, a table, a couch. So, answer is A

4. a. I wish I could
    b. That will be nice
    c. That's alright
    d. That's the right thing to do

  • Percakapan dikaset
          Woman  : Mr. Hendra, would you send my letter to Mt.Smith?
          Narrator: "What would Mr. Hendra answer to refuse the request?"
  • Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah I wish I could. So answer is A


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